Main Engine Cylinder Liner Measurements (LDM)

The Main engine is the driving force of the ship and any damage to it can make the ship unseaworthy and can have a substantial financial impact on the Ship-owner. Nowadays, one of the most common defects is the excessive wear of the cylinder liners due to poor fuel quality and wrong matching of Cylinder oil grade/feed rate.  

Our company offers the Liner Diameter Measurement (LDM) in which an advanced technological instrument is used to perform in situ, high precision Cylinder liner wear measurements in any two (2) stroke engine (500 mm bore and larger) within a few hours, without the removal of the Cylinder head. 



Advantages of Liner Diameter Measurement (LDM):

  • High precision measurements without the need of piston overhaul/removal Cylinder cover

  • Can be used in all types of Engines (MAN, Win-GD) with 500 mm bore diameter and larger

  • High resolution photos of the cylinder liner walls and piston ring packs. The photos are used when evaluating the cylinder condition parameters such as cleanliness of ring land, cylinder honing mark, black lacquering from corrosive wear and bore polish

  • Can be used for continuous condition monitoring of Cylinder liners, acting proactively in order to extend the liner lifetime

  • Highly skilled and fully trained technicians will provide a thorough technical report with relevant measurements/photos for each unit with relevant condition assessment